Wir stempeln uns schon mal für Weihnachten warm und haben dafür wunderschöne Glaskugeln entdeckt. Die sind perfekt geeignet für unsere Schneeflocken-Ministempel <3 Das Stempelkissen ist passenderweise Stazon Pigment Snowflake
these 'ingredients' we have used:
1. stamp pad: Stazon Pigment Piano Black and Snowflake
2. stamp: snowflake 1, snowflake 2 and a flake from our 2019 advent calendar, which is unfortunately no longer available.
3. Christmas tree balls made of glass
To find the articles in our shop, simply click on the name in the "Ingredients list".
The best stamping results are achieved when you dab the ink onto the stamp with the ink pad. If you want to learn more about our favorite colors, visit our >>> color guide. Here you can also find tips & tricks for cleaning stamps and using the colours.